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Sunday, September 28, 2008


While we observe Wall Street go through an implosion and our lawmakers mortgage the future of America with the associated bailout, let us keep an eye on another adjacent and related tower with a weak foundation, teetering dangerously in the wind. The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is also subject to bad decision-making by misinformed and manipulated government officials.


Congress has just funded the MIC at only slightly less than the 700B now necessary to bail out the US Financial catastrophe. The MIC is monumentally dangerous and has led our country into a continuing series of costly, fraudulent wars since Korea. Eisenhower forecasted the danger in his departing speech:

The most recent MIC adventure is being fought in the memory of 3,000 dead civilians attacked by a terrorist the US created by not leaving the Middle East after the first Gulf War. That excursion has killed thousands of our finest youth and maimed the lives of countless others. The average American will pay for this ruin in decades to come through taxes supporting hospital care, social services and veteran's homes.


I am a 2 tour Vietnam Veteran who recently retired after 36 misguided years working in the defense industrial complex on many of the weapons systems being used by our forces as we speak. Given a clearly defined mission and the best armaments and systems in the world, I believed that another Vietnam could be avoided for the American Soldier.

I was wrong.

I live in a Veteran's home, having recently undergone treatment through the VA for PTSD and Depression, long overdue some 40 years after the Tet Offensive that cap stoned my military 2nd tour in Southeast Asia with a lifetime of illness:

Politicians make no difference. I saw this on a daily basis from inside the MIC.

The chart at this posting illustrates the historical % of our national debt to our GDP. That % is on a precipitous rise with the current US warfare mentality and imminent Wall Street bailout:


Other countries will not tolerate our on-going presence, decreasing value on world market and shortsighted vision, based exclusively on stockholder profits. The Wall Street financial tower has fallen. The MIC will be next.


It is corrupt and driven by corporate influence:

It is broken and riddled with incompetence:


The MIC, like Wall Street, will go bust and then be re-scaled, fixed and re-designed to run efficiently and prudently, just like any other big machine that runs poorly or becomes obsolete or dangerous. The situation will right itself through yet another trauma.

A government ENRON is on the horizon, with an associated house cleaning. The next president will come and go along with his appointees and politicos. They will try to fix the financial mess and become pawns of corporate America in widening our military influence attempting to mend corporate bank accounts. But the MIC tower will implode as well - the next big event in government you will watch is the collapse of that establishment.


Non-profit visionaries and small business know the course that must be taken and they are taking it:

These "Action People" are not in our government. They are more practical than that. They are the communicators, the true venture capitalists setting up worldwide non-profit foundations (Gates and Buffet for example). They are like the Bill Moyers, perpetually exposing waste fraud and abuse and then going one step further to fix it from the inside. They are the young inspirational members of the small business base in this country that will be tasked with picking up the pieces and re-inventing the future so our government can follow along.

As a volunteer counselor, handling 30 cases a week through SCORE I see every form of unique small business inventiveness imaginable - efficiently created, using technology to the max and not seeking financing to the hilt - only the opportunity to succeed:

The US GDP is still the largest in the world.

Our high technology cannot be matched.

We have enough weapons systems and science to beat all our competitors and solve our problems.

We need to come home.


Anonymous said...

Ken --

Thank you for leaving your eloquent comment at the ACLUSA blog.

The problem that I see in changing the MIC as we know it is that this way of making weapons and war has been institutionalized, and institutions, by their very nature, will defend their own interests and survival.

Also, the MIC needs a reason to exist, it needs to justify its own existence. Therefore, the MIC works tirelessly to identify enemies or threats even if there are none. The intense need to justify itself and its huge share of the federal budget then influences the MIC and makes it perceive things, "see" things, that rationally minded people outside of the MIC do not see. Also, this can lead the MIC to "create" threats. The current Iraq war, the invasion of Panama to oust Noriega (who was on the CIA's payroll), and the Gulf of Tonkin incident are prime examples of the MIC "seeing" things that simply were not there.

Then, the MIC works to create an atmosphere of fear to get the public's support. So Dick Cheney talks about the non-existent link between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda; George H.W. Bush explains to the American public that Noriega is a cocaine pusher and murderer of innocent Americans in Panama; and Lyndon Johnson announces how the Vietnamese navy attack the innocent US Navy in the Gulf of Tonkin. All to create fear.

We at ACLUSA thank you for your service to the nation, during Vietnam and now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your brilliant comment on my blog! Thanks also for your well thought out take on the MIC.

I wish I believed that common sense will prevail and the fools now running our federal government would see the truth in your analysis and reduce the military budget and end the MIC adventures abroad.

However, my reading of world history indicates that WHEN AND ONLY WHEN we the people take to the streets and DEMAND REAL CHANGE will it happen. If we the people wait for the idiots in washingtOOn to make that change, while we do nothing to force it, we will never get anything but the short end of the stick.

I'm adding your blog to my blogroll...

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